
Career advice for students graduating in the midst of a pandemic

Planning advice for fresh graduates in a pandemic 

Since the pandemic, life, as we know it, has changed. The post-pandemic work landscape is still in flux. It has caused anxiety, especially for recent graduates and those about to graduate. While career planning must be revamped for the new scenario, stay calm and don't panic.

We have put together a list of job search tips that graduates should keep in mind:

A Positive Frame of Mind

Consider the new job market environment as an opportunity to grow and change in a positive direction. Sometimes looking for job openings for graduates may appear discouraging. Adjust your perspective, stay positive, and have a plan.

Prepare a plan

While looking for job openings for graduates, it helps to prepare a document that lists your target industry, companies, and job titles. Make a list and analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Then, reach out to the companies and enquire about open jobs. Finally, prepare a Plan B. Be available to move into an adjacent position that utilizes your skills.

Skill Up

Upskilling is a great way to get ahead of the competition for a job for graduates. Use the time to boost your skills. Analyze job descriptions and list down each required skill and experience. This will give you a clear idea of the skills that the market is looking for in graduates. If you are missing a skill, plug the gap. If you have not used a skill in a while, brush up on it. This way, once the market becomes robust again, you would have equipped yourself to be a candidate with better prospects. If required, strengthen your resume with additional certification to stand out among applications.


Networking is a powerful tool in job search for fresh graduates. Facebook and LinkedIn are two platforms that host a wide range of groups for every profession. You can search for groups in your choice of career and join in the conversation. You can post relevant articles and comment on posts and hone your expertise. This will offer you visibility and help you develop a network that can be useful in job searches. Keep your posts and replies professional, as your digital footprint can show employers the kind of employee you will make.

Job Alerts

Not all companies advertise widely for every job opening for graduates. Prepare a list of companies you are interested in working for and set up Google Alerts for them. You can visit their career pages regularly and search for jobs for graduates directly.

Mock virtual interviews

Virtual interviews are becoming common. Fresh graduates can prepare to ace their interviews by mastering the technology, like camera angles that show your whole face and the best places to speak without distractions. Practice with a friend and ask for feedback on your speaking ability. 

Tailor your CV

While preparing your resume, mention all appropriate qualifications, stick to pertinent details and avoid repetitive or redundant information. Remember, the length of your resume doesn't matter; the contents do!

Keep looking, and do not give up. Instead, use the time wisely to pursue activities that can move you closer to your career goals.  

All the best!