
Celebrating Young Achievers: Demoya Lemonious

In this series, we celebrate the GSAT achievements of our employees’ children, who are a part of our family by extension.

Annette Lewis is an employee relations officer at HGS Jamaica. Her daughter, Demoya, recently completed her GSAT exams. She has graduated from the Southborough Primary School.

Preparing for the exam took a lot of work, with many late nights spent completing projects and practising past papers. Demoya also went to extra classes on Saturdays and had to do her homework on Sundays. She was also frustrated now and then because of the constant studying, like every child, but she never complained.

After the exams, everyone was quite relieved. For Demoya, it was like a holiday, free from the pressure of studying and the anticipation of the exams. When her mother received the call that Demoya had qualified for her first choice school, she was elated. The family celebrated her achievement with a dinner at her favourite restaurant.

Demoya will be going to Wolmer’s High School for Girls. She is eager to join the school’s swimming team and dance troupe. In the future, she plans to become a financial controller.