
Celebrating Young Achievers: J’kwon

In this series, we celebrate the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) achievements of our employees’ children, who are a part of our family by extension.

Jodi Ann is a team leader at HGS Jamaica. Her son, J’kwon recently passed out of the Polly Ground Primary School.

J’kwon was quite enthusiastic about his upcoming exams. Prepared students always look forward to tests, after all. He spent all his free time studying because he was determined to do well. The PEP has replaced the GSAT exams as the national secondary school placement test. It is unique with several tests focusing on application. Considering that the tests span between Grade 4 and Grade 6, J’kwon prepared for them with unwavering dedication.

Through it all, Jodi Ann was excited and nervous for her son. Yet, she was confident that he would come out with flying colours because he is a committed and hardworking student.

J’kwon will be attending the St. Jago High School. As for his future plans, he is torn between becoming a champion on the running track and joining the police force. We’re sure whatever he decides, he will go far!