
Celebrating Young Achievers: Knakeda Smith

In this series, we celebrate the GSAT achievements of our employees’ children, who are a part of our family by extension.

Laurie Daley is a customer service associate with one of our healthcare accounts in HGS Jamaica. Her daughter, Knakeda, recently completed her GSAT exams and graduated from Excelsior Primary School.

Preparation for the exams was a nervous time for Knakeda. She attended extra hours of classes both before and after school time, which was 7 AM to 4 PM. She also had 6-hour classes on Saturdays. All the effort paid off. Knakeda was elated with her results, and her mother was very proud of her performance. Aside from all the congratulatory messages, she was also thrown a surprise party that she thoroughly enjoyed.

Knakeda will attend The Queens School. She wants to be a nutritionist when she grows up.