
Celebrating Young Achievers: Sheannelle Watson

In this series, we celebrate the GSAT achievements of our employees’ children, who are a part of our family by extension.

Trudi-Ann Cole is one of our customer service associates with HGS Jamaica. Her daughter, Sheannelle, recently completed her GSAT exams, graduating from St. Thomas Hill View Kindergarten & Preparatory School.

Sheannelle had many sleepless nights, making sure she completed all her studies. She even took weekend classes to ensure she was getting the most assistance. Things were a bit strained at home for both mom and daughter/, as Sheannelle had to commute to and from school on her own for the first time. In the end, all the hard work paid off as Sheannelle felt great after the exams and was even awarded trophies for her performance. She was also happy to be placed in the school of her choice.

In the future, Sheannelle intends to establish a career as a scientist.