
Stories @ HGS: Ramo

Ramo is a quality analyst with HGS Jamaica. He has been with us for nearly three years now. He shares with us his HGS growth story.

HGS: How has the journey been so far?

Ramo: It has been great. I have grown significantly within the past couple of years, both as a professional and as an individual. This would definitely be one of my reasons for continuing with the organisation. I’ve had the opportunity to learn multiple management styles and how important it is to be a good leader and coach.

HGS: What stands out for you at HGS?

Ramo: The people, easily. Everyone, be it in support or operations, encourage you to be the person you really want to be in life. The fact that their concern is not limited to just the organizational goals, speaks volumes for the environment at HGS.

At HGS, the concern is for your personal goals as much as organizational goals.

Something that has actively enabled my growth is the limitless training atmosphere we have in the office, setting the stage for learning and progress. This has prepared me for all my promotions, qualifying me for additional responsibilities.  

HGS: How do you perceive the impact of your work?

Ramo: My role at HGS helps with auditing and maintaining transparency in daily business transactions. Additionally, I am also in a position to give feedback to the advocates on the floor. In some way, I am able to offer guidance and it feels great to see them do a good job after my feedback.

At HGS, we have made sure that our culture of growth and progress is a cycle where employees pass on their learnings. Join us to work in a supportive and nurturing workplace.