
Celebrating Young Achievers: Jayda

In this series, we celebrate the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) achievements of our employees’ children, who are a part of our family by extension.

Kayan is one of our quality analysts with HGS Jamaica. Her daughter, Jayda, recently graduated from Shortwood Practising Primary and Junior High. Her hard work and achievement were recently celebrated in our office.

Jayda was quite relaxed about her PEPs as she is used to and enjoys being challenged. She approached her exams with a calm and collected mind-set. This helped her perform exceptionally well with great results.

In fact, Jayda’s confidence in her preparedness and performance was reassuring her mother! Kayan was quite frustrated as it was rather hard to get the material required for the exams. But Jayda was able to convince her that there was nothing to worry about.

Jayda will be attending Meadowbrook High School. As for her future plans, she aims to become a general surgeon. With her unruffled attitude, it seems like the perfect job for her and we are sure she will achieve her goal!