
Meet Trainer Richelle

In this series, our trainers share insights on how employees grow with HGS.

HGS: Tell us about your education and experience.

Richelle: In 1992, I received an associate degree in business at Spoon River College. Over the years, I’ve been upskilling through online courses on higher education platforms.

HGS: What’s a pro-tip you would share with those attending your training sessions?

Richelle: My trainees are typically new hires of one of the accounts in HGS USA. We have to pack in a lot of information in the training sessions. I tell my class that they will need to give themselves a couple of weeks on the floor to get used to the process, and they shouldn’t give up until they get comfortable. A good thing about our account is that, since it’s very process-oriented, representatives have resources at hand.

My method of delivery in my sessions focuses on personal experiences as examples. It helps trainees relate and also, empathise accordingly, since the scenario involves familiar colleagues.  

HGS: What are you known for among your trainees?

Richelle: My trainees say I’m knowledgeable, personable, honest, and the right amount of sarcastic. They find my sessions rather entertaining.

HGS: What about HGS do you share with your trainees?

Richelle: As an employee, something I really like about HGS and our specific account is the fun we have while working. So, I share with my trainees my positive experience with the company. Moreover, we don’t only recognize performance on the operations floor. Efforts like perfect attendance and overtime hours are also acknowledged.

Employee recognition is holistic at HGS.

At HGS, we believe in allowing employees the space to learn and grow, to perform optimally on their terms. Come, grow with us.