
Stories @ HGS: Melissa Hicks

Melissa Hicks is one of our trainers at HGS USA. She has recently been promoted through our Ready Now program, a training module that prepares employees for leadership roles at HGS. She shares her HGS story with us.

How has the journey been so far?

Melissa at the farewell potluck that the recruiting team had for her when she got promoted
Melissa at the farewell potluck that the recruiting team had for her when she got promoted


I’ve been with HGS for two years. I find work at HGS exciting because the organization gives me flexibility, a reliable paycheck, a chance to grow, and opportunities to work with different products and explore other accounts. I started as a customer service representative. Later, I joined the Ready Now program, and now, I’m a trainer. Ready Now is a great program to advance in your career. You have to be with the company for at least six months, and you go through a panel interview to qualify. I firmly believe this has helped me get the opportunity to try out a temporary position as an HR Coordinator and then be able to do my dream role—trainer. In the process of my promotion, I have received immense support and encouragement from my superiors.

What inspires you at work every day?

My main inspiration is to be a role model for my son, so I always give it my 110% at work.

What is something unique about HGS?

The one thing I have seen at HGS and I haven’t seen at any of my previous jobs, is that we always have a great dunk tank.

(Employees who have perfect attendance records for a month get a chance to dunk their team leaders in a dunk tank.)

I didn’t think I had the skills for an office job when I first started, but I’m excited to discover that this has become my passion. I have met many different kinds of people here.

What did you like best about your role as a CSR?

Talking to customers who would crack me up made the job fun. Every day, there is something new when you are a rep, and I feel that experience has helped me learn a lot about the work and the organization.

What are you known for in the office?

I have a voice that carries, so when I say silly things, it can be heard on the floor. I’m also known to be very friendly.