
Stories @ HGS: Amrit Sidhu

Amrit Sidhu is one of our customer services advisor in HGS UK. She shares with us her experience of working with HGS.

How has the journey been so far?

My team here is brilliant. When it comes to working, teammates are helpful and motivating. Even outside of work, we have an excellent dynamic, so we spend a fair amount of time socialising, as well. HGS is a fun, multicultural work environment and I think this enables us to learn a lot from each other.

What inspires you at work every day?

My teammates and management. They’re very understanding about any issues we may have and are quick to help. So, our work is inspired as well.

What is something unique about HGS that has struck you?

We get a lot of opportunities to work together. It isn’t just about achieving targets. It also includes the engagement events and charity work that we participate in as a team.

What do you like the best about your job?

The client we work with have a wide range of products, and we are learning something new about these every day. I also enjoy working with the brand because the audience they cater to is exciting.

What are you known for in the office?

Hopefully for being a hard-working employee.