
Stories @ HGS: Baji Baba

Baji Baba is one of our recruitment managers in HGS India. He has been with us for over six years now. Here, he describes his HGS experience.

How has the journey been so far?

I came into HGS as an assistant manager of operations for one of our clients. Later, I got promoted to my current role, where I handle recruitment for the same client. These last six years have been very challenging with a steep learning curve. That said, they have also taught me a lot about being a successful leader. My deputation to other locations has given me the confidence that I can manage different processes and people, and drive them towards organisational goals. What I have learnt from the leadership here is that there are no good or bad employees. How we guide them and how often we review them makes all the difference.

What motivates you at work every day?

Primarily, my biggest motivator is my sense of responsibility towards the job. Outside of that, HGS is a people-centric organisation, and this has a positive impact on your work. We are in the business of finding innovative solutions for emerging problems. As a workplace, this translates to continuous efforts to have a better work environment. Also, this means that the nature of our work is ever-changing with new processes coming in and because of this, learning is a constant.

What do you like best about your job?

My role is about finding the right talent, who are motivated to perform, from the right places. What I like the most is giving opportunities to job seekers who are starting in their careers.

How are you known at the office?

As someone who is dependable and treats team members as part of the family.