
Stories @ HGS: Francine

Francine is a bilingual team leader with HGS Canada. She has been with us for almost five years now. She shares with us her HGS experience:

HGS: How has the journey been so far?

Francine: It's been great! I started out here in 2015, and I was an agent for a full year before becoming a bilingual team leader. I spent three wonderful years as a team leader in Windsor before transferring to my current position as a Work@Home bilingual team leader in my home province of New Brunswick.

HGS: What are the most important decisions you have made as a leader on the journey so far?

Francine: My most important decision so far, not just as a team leader but also an employee, has been moving from our Windsor site to our Work@Home team. It was a difficult choice but I have no regrets! No matter where I am with the company, I’ve been welcomed with open arms and friendly people.

HGS: What do you like best about your role?

Francine: Helping my agents meet their goals, whether for the company or personal, is my favourite aspect of my job. I also enjoy creating an atmosphere that encourages agents to come up to me with anything for help. It is my responsibility to inspire the confidence that their issues, big or small, can be addressed.

HGS: What about HGS do you share with people whom you refer?

Francine: I’ve referred about eight people to HGS so far. My stories about the wonderful set of people we all work with and the team connect that we have might have been the decision-making factor for them. We have so many friendly and outgoing individuals on the team. Since we spend a lot of time together, I’ve come to think of them all as family. It has been a pleasure coaching my team and doing my job here.

HGS: What are you known for in the office?

Francine: People quickly come to realize that I am eager to help and since I’ve been with our client for so long I have a wealth of knowledge to share with everyone. I love to teach everyone the tricks of the trade, making us a strong, cohesive unit.

At HGS, we have seen the amazing results of working as one global team, not only for the business but also our environment. Join us to grow your career.