
Stories @ HGS: Jessica Machroli

Jessica Machroli is a Team Leader at HGS-USA. She talks to us about her experience here and what she likes best about her job.

1. How long have you been with HGS?

A little over six years now. I started out as a home agent on our core team taking various call types. I have been part of the Social Media team, and the Member Advocate Team as an escalated agent. Recently, I got promoted to Team Leader. I’m proud to say I’ve been on the same account since I started; I can see how I have grown over this period. Not just me individually, even the teamwork has evolved tremendously. My biggest lessons here would be learning to train agents and to be a role model for the newer agents coming to the account.

2. Who inspires you every day at work?

That’s easy. My former team leader, Ashley. Ashley always has a listening ear and is always wanting to help. I can’t remember a time when she hasn’t let us know how appreciated we are.

3. What do you like the most about working here?

I love that I’m able to work from home. I have plenty of time for everything in my life—my work, my family and my interests. I feel quite in control, and that’s a fantastic feeling.

4. Would you like to give some insight into some of the roles you’ve played for the benefit of our applicants?

Absolutely. I started out as a core agent and later, moved on to be a lead operator. Lead operator duties typically include helping the Team Leader with projects they need help with, helping them run the floor, monitoring calls, answering queries in the chat room, and watching the stats to make sure we meet service levels. On the Social Media team, we respond to customers who reach us through various platforms. On the Member Advocate Team, we deal with offline issues that customers may face. These issues vary in how critical they are, so the MA team involves a lot of quick thinking and being present.

5. What are you popular for in the office?

Probably for my willingness to help the new agents, and the veteran agents with anything they may find unfamiliar. I’m also known to enjoy a good laugh.