
Stories @ HGS: Javier Ocon

Javier Ocon is a social media program coordinator with HGS-USA and has been with us for over seven years now. He shares with us his journey at HGS so far.

1. How long have you been with HGS?

It has been seven years. I have been a customer support representative, a lead operator, a social media CSR, and currently, a social media program coordinator. There are a lot of new faces now. I would say the office has grown into a fun environment over the years. I've learned a lot in my time here: right from being a leader to being a better employee. We all think we have seen it all until we learn something new. At HGS, there is always something new!

2. What inspires you every day?

The magnitude of involvement with all the employees is something unique to HGS. Here is an organisation that cares. The people I work for and work with also make coming in enjoyable. But more than anything, I love what I do.

3. What is your favourite part of your job?

As a Social Media Program Coordinator, I'm not just Javier; I’m representing our clients to the consumers via social media. It’s a great feeling. I also like interacting with our clients. There is so much to learn from everyone with whom we interact.

A job at HGS can lead to a career that pushes you to better yourself.

4. Would you like to give a message to candidates applying here?

It doesn’t matter if you are looking for a job or a career; you can have both here. If you apply, this job can lead to a career that pushes you to better yourself.