
Stories @ HGS: Linda Morris Williams

Linda Morris Williams is one of our social media community specialists at HGS USA. She has been with us for over 7 years. She shares with us her experience here over the years.

How has the journey been over the years?

I started out as a customer service representative. Over the years, I’ve worked as an e-mail specialist, foreign object specialist and now, I am a social media community specialist. Something that is different now would be the efforts towards protecting our clients. We also don’t just help customers through calls now; social media and chat have become a big part of our work. I feel these have enabled us to create new jobs and also, communicate in a better, localized manner with the consumers.

Tell us a little about your job.

I am a Social Media Specialist. I answer consumer’s compliments and complaints on Facebook and Twitter. I make sure the accounts meet the satisfaction of the client's rules of engagement before I respond. My responses go directly to the Facebook or Twitter page, which is seen by millions. I have to make sure to stay focused, check punctuation and spelling before responding. I also make sure the client is aware of the consumer's concerns by tagging each post correctly for reporting purposes.

I love responding to a consumer and getting a response back from them saying thanks for answering! It's nice to know they appreciate that we care enough to acknowledge their concerns.

What motivates you at work every day?

My team! At HGS, I’ve seen how accurate it is that teamwork makes the dream work. I enjoy working with people who want to do a great job. I also enjoy working with Team Leaders who are supportive and willing to make sure we have all the tools necessary to do a great job.

What at HGS stands out for you?

I've been in the workforce for over 40 years now. The thing I like the most about HGS is the way the organization give its employees every opportunity to keep a job. If the account you're working on closes, they make sure you are placed in another account within the HGS family. I have never seen this in any other company I've worked for.

What are you popular for at your office?

I am dependable, hardworking, friendly, caring, supportive, and most of all, a team player.

What would be your message to future employees?

There are lots of opportunities if you are willing to come to work and do the job. You will find growth and stability in HGS.