
Stories @ HGS: Luke

Luke is one of our team managers with HGS UK. He has been with us for over four years now. He shares his experience with HGS here.

HGS: How has your journey with HGS been so far?

Luke: Fast-moving, if I have to sum it up in one word. HGS is my first job. When I joined, my first thought was that I was really entering the adult world. I started out as a customer service advisor and moved up to a team manager role. A proud moment was the first time an advisor in my team became a team leader through a development plan.

When I become a team leader myself, I started in one of our lines of business I wasn’t familiar with. I got a lot of help from this advisor, who was tenured, with information I would need to be successful in the role. The advisor was then placed on a team management development plan to support his growth, and he was selected for a team management role within a few months. I was incredibly proud to have influenced a critical part in his career and his life outside of the work environment through my support and the activities we did together. Since then, I have been able to deliver similar proud moments and make the job what it is for me. 

If I can have a positive impact on somebody's life, then I have done my job as a team manager.

HGS: What motivates you at work?

Luke: My main motivation to work at HGS has always been the people that I support every day. I have met so many incredible people at HGS that I will keep with me for life and that makes me want to do the very best for them and myself. I tell myself every day that if I can have a positive impact in somebody’s life then I have done my job. HGS has given me a platform and head-start in my career, which in turn has given me the opportunity to have goals I did not imagine were possible. How I see my job and the way I perform in it is my way of giving back to the organization.

HGS: What is one funny moment you remember at the office?

Luke: At one of our office parties, I fell through a fire escape door after punching and subsequently missing an arcade boxing machine. It’s an incident I’m often reminded of to this day!

At HGS, learning and mentorship is a big part of our work culture. Join us to work in an encouraging and supportive environment.