
Stories @ HGS: Noelicia O’Meally

Noelicia O’Meally is one of our customer service representatives in HGS Jamaica. She has been with us for nearly three years now. She shares with us her experience of working with HGS.

What motivates you every day at work?

Being able to interact with my team, and assist them and our clients is a big booster at work. You feel fired up to push your limit higher than past performances. Our clients give us a lot of positive reinforcement for this, as well.

What do you like the most about HGS?

The strong community atmosphere here is unparalleled. Everyone chips in to help you out if you have a problem. So, the office has a warm, familial aura.

What would be your message for future employees?

Our employee engagement is excellent. We get a lot of performance recognition incentives, and these give you a happy feeling to work hard every day.