
Stories @ HGS: Zoey Lapointe

Zoey Lapointe, a Team Leader at our HGS Barrie centre, talks about why she likes working with HGS.

From the moment you apply at HGS, you are greeted by friendly, genuine people who love what they do! I am glad to have such an experience firsthand.

I have been working with HGS since April 2015. I started out in their cable line of business for the client before converting into their consolidated team. Later, I moved on to the customer relations team. In June 2017, I was promoted to Lead Associate, and by December, I became a Team Leader.

The opportunities at HGS are plenty. In all my roles at HGS, I have worked closely with teams of other LA's, TL's and the OM's onsite, and all of them have been incredibly supportive. There is a very open channel of communication throughout HGS—it is indeed a big family. You get to meet some amazing people, make friends and share your experiences, through the many team building exercises and other activities that occur throughout the year. These activities also include the wonderful parties we throw ourselves in the summer months.

With all these factors in mind, I will continue my relationship with HGS as I merge into the W@H program. Even though I may not be in the office to reach out to a person face-to-face, I am confident that my entire team will be backing me up. I will continue to reach all my goals with advice and feedback from the leadership. Not only will it make me a better person, but it will also help me reach my full potential. The way I see it, the more pertinent question is “why not HGS?”.