
Tips for The First 90 Days in Your Customer Service Job

Welcome to the world of customer service! You have taken the first step towards what could be a very satisfying and rewarding long-term career in the BPM industry, specifically in the customer service domain. The initial weeks into your new role are crucial as you put your training to use while carrying out real-life customer conversations and get accustomed to the corporate work environment. You will experience first-hand workings of a contact center and customer service associates’ pivotal contribution in delivering frictionless customer experience. Arguably, the first few days will be ‘exciting yet busy’ as you get used to the new world around you. Here are a few things you could do, which will ease your entry into this new work setting and help you settle fast.


Understand Metrics

Tips for the first 90 days in your customer service job As you are aware, the customer service roles are centered around delivering customer satisfaction as you resolve their queries through multiple channels of communication. To that end, associates like you have an important role to play. For ascertaining the quality of your customer conversations, most organizations have a set of metrics or numbers that are measured and tracked. These include FCR (First Call Resolution), AHT (Average Handle Time), CSAT (Customer Satisfaction), TPH (Transactions Per Hour) and Net Promoter Score (NPS). Often, clients mandate the type of metrics, and your organization has to achieve the targets set for each of them. Given the criticality of these numbers, you will be familiarized with these key metrics right at the training stage. As soon as you hit the floor, resolve to surpass the targets for all the metrics that would be relevant to you. This thoughtful approach will ensure that you are on top of your game from the word go.


Consult, Converse and be Proactive

Consult, Converse and be Proactive When you begin your career in the customer service domain, you will see and experience many new things personally and professionally. Never hesitate to consult and converse with your seniors and colleagues, you will surely benefit from their expertise. Learn and understand from them about the industry, clients and finer nuances of your job. Get a sense of the organization’s vision, culture and values as much as you can through these interactions. These conversations will always give you a different perspective, practical tips and the confidence to perform to your fullest potential. If you come across best practices, proactively inculcate them to excel at your work. The right attitude and willingness to learn from people around you will take you a long way.


Take Good Care of Yourself

Take Good Care of Yourself As you adjust yourself to the rhythm of the new job, it is always advisable to take good care of your health and wellness. Rotational shifts may take a bit of adapting, given the changes they may bring into your daily routine. Give yourself enough time to adjust to the new schedule and the work setting. Do not underestimate the importance of good sleep, exercise, and a healthy diet – your personal well-being is critical for both you and your employer. Most employers have plenty of recreational, sports and wellness-centric activities planned in office. Participating in them will certainly help you unwind and expand your network of friends at work.

Overall, it is safe to say that the first 90 days will most likely fly by and you will get a grip on your new role before you know it. Keeping in mind these tips will allow you to excel from day one. After all, securing an early win is one of the best ways to really make your mark, wouldn’t you agree?