
Virtual Hiring @ HGS: Frederick

Frederick is one of our customer service representatives at HGS Philippines. He shares with us his experience of our virtual hiring process, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

HGS: Describe your experience of getting interviewed virtually.

Frederick: For me, the interview experience at HGS over virtual channels was very new compared to other BPO companies. I had found out about virtual hiring at HGS through the HGS Philippines Facebook page, and the hiring process has been quite smooth from there.

HGS: Can you think of a reason you may prefer this to meeting face-to-face?

Frederick: The process has been beneficial because I did not have to worry about transportation, which would have been difficult during the pandemic. Ease of access to the assessment and interview was also another added benefit.

HGS: What are you looking forward to the most in your HGS career?

Frederick: I look forward to a stable and positive experience, and steady career growth at HGS.

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