
Staying Motivated at the Workplace

By Malathy Mohan, Executive-Talent Acquisition, HGS India

In this fast-paced world, staying motivated in any challenging environment can be hard. As human beings, we are likely not to achieve success at first try. It is crucial for us as individuals to stay connected with the process. We learn new things every day by which we become more competitive. As a continually-growing company, it is only natural that this is our mission statement to our clients. For all the work we do, we don't have to look for motivation externally. When there is an innate urge to evolve and improve as professionals, we will find motivation within ourselves. 

As professionals, it is a given that work will come with its own set of roadblocks, and this can add to our frustration. The first step to moving past challenges is staying positive. After all, our biggest helping hands are at the end of our arms. While external factors certainly help inspire motivation, it can be sustained only through internal effort. We can hope for the best outcome only if we are taking control of the situation—adopting a positive outlook is the way to achieve this. 

There are ways to develop our internal capacity for staying motivated at work—self-realization and self-appreciation can help here. Whatever happens outside may not always be within our control, so we need handy coping mechanisms to deal with negative repercussions in our work environment. Any company gives the same opportunities for all employees, so the matter of favors doesn't come into play here. We should treat ourselves well first, and the world will follow suit. It is also a great way to keep ourselves away from negativity.

There a few external factors that can make or break our ability to stay motivated in the workplace. 


It can be hard not to be affected by any of the factors mentioned above. They may even come on all at once, requiring complex coping mechanisms. There should be a conscious effort not to let elements outside of our control affect our motivation. 

Connecting with peers and teammates is another excellent way to overcome insecurities caused by environmental stressors. We can learn a lot from the experiences of others, and it will also build team spirit and cohesiveness. 
After all, challenges are intrinsic to any environment, and they help us evolve as people. It is up to us whether we choose to see them as deterrents or as opportunities.